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home » How to remove cracks in laminate flooring without dismantling

A fairly common situation is when one of the laminate lamellas requires replacement. Then you have to carefully dismantle the entire row to get to it. Since the boards are connected to each other with locks, it is extremely difficult to move them, especially if it is important not to damage the coating. If you know this method, then everything will be much simpler. It allows you to move the slats in any direction, both during installation and removal.

What you will need:

  • A car tire scrap;
  • block or board;
  • mallet.

The process of moving laminate onto a finished floor

To move individual elements of the finished floor, it is enough to lay a piece of a car tire on the problem board. The end of the block rests on it at a slight angle directed in the required direction of displacement.

Now we take a mallet and hit the end of this block. Due to the slight slope and non-slip rubber lining, it will move the board in the required direction. It only takes a few hits. This method can be used to snap the laminate together when replacing it, disconnect it when dismantling damaged areas, or simply during repairs when the locks have come apart due to a jump in humidity in the room.

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How to make window or door slopes from leftover laminate and save a lot of money -

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Igor
    #1 Guest Igor Guests October 7, 2023 09:24
    Question: Well, you removed the cracks, and a week later they appeared again? How to remove them forever?

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