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How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
Not all rusty surfaces can be cleaned of corrosion with a steel brush or sandpaper. Many of them have complex terrain or are located in a cavity. For such surfaces, a chemical cleaning method is better.

What you will need:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • plastic container.
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes

The process of preparing a solution and cleaning metal from corrosion

Hydrogen peroxide is poured into the container in such a volume as to completely immerse the rusty part. After this, citric acid is added. The more it is, the faster the rust will dissolve. In the example, 100 g is poured into 1.2 liters of peroxide. acids.
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
It is necessary to place the acid and peroxide until the grains dissolve, and immediately immerse the parts for cleaning.
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
As a result of the reaction, drilling and heating of the solution will occur, almost to boiling.
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
In this case, the rust will disappear from the surface in a couple of minutes, the living metal underneath will remain intact. When cleaning using this method, fumes are released that are best not inhaled, so you need to work outside or under a hood.
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
In such a bath, you can restore threads on rusted bolts and nuts in 2-3 minutes. The solution weakens as it is used and gradually loses its cleaning ability.
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
How to dissolve rust in a couple of minutes
Also read about a simple way to restore a rusty tool -

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Comments (1)
  1. Nikolay
    #1 Nikolay Guests 27 October 2022 16:13
    to speed up the process, you can add kitchen salt and heat the solution to 50 degrees

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