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home » Garden » How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

A washbasin is simply necessary in a country house or garden. If you don’t have a house and a stationary washbasin on your property, then it’s very easy to make one from a PET bottle and a disposable syringe. Such a homemade product will serve faithfully for a long, long time. There will be no pity for her even if she is stolen.

Will need

  • Disposable syringe 5 ml.
  • Plastic bottle 1.5-5 liters.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Stationery knife.

Making a washbasin from a PET bottle and syringe

Be sure to take a syringe with a rubber piston at the end.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

We take the rod and piston out of it and cut it evenly with a stationery knife at about the “4 ml” mark.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

To make a mark on the bottle cap, trace the cut edge with a marker.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

And quickly apply it to the bottle cap.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

Using the printed mark, cut a hole.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

Insert a piece of the syringe and secure it tightly with hot glue.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

Put the piston back in.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

At this point the valve for the washbasin is ready.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

Made for 5 liter and 1.5 liter bottles.
Now we pour water, hang the bottle and screw the lid with the valve to it.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

Now if you touch the valve with your hands, water begins to flow.To speed up its flow, make a small puncture in the top of the bottle.
With a five liter bottle everything is exactly the same.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

You need to cut a window in the upper part so that you can pour water at any time without removing the washbasin.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

The water itself does not flow out of the washbasin; the piston clearly blocks the leak.
How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

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